Tuesday, September 10, 2013

8 Weeks

September 10th:

Well, the day came . . . my little boy is 8 weeks old and I have to go back to work tomorrow.  I looked back on pictures from the last 8 weeks and can't believe how much Tyson has changed!  In fact, today he was sitting in one of his swings looking like such a big boy.  I remember trying to put him in it a few weeks ago and his head wasn't strong enough to sit in it comfortably.  He is regularly sleeping between 5 to 7 hours at night!  Now, only if I would go to bed when he did!  He found is hands on over the weekend while in Texas and in just two days is looking at them more and more.  He will also interlock his fingers!  He is starting to coo  more and find his voice. His legs are starting to fill out and his thighs almost have rolls.  He is still really expressive with his eyebrows and likes to scowl.  He makes the cutest little frown before he gets really upset.  When trying to talk with him, he will pucker his lips together and makes a "whoo" sound.  He makes some pretty funny noises and breaths through his noise a lot.  When he is hungry, he will play with his tongue by sucking on it.  My favorite part of the day is unzipping his woombie and watching him stretch his arms!  Also, during this time he will usually push out a poop and make some really funny faces while doing so and then when it finally comes out, he looks surprised, like "what just happened?"  Smiles are becoming more and more regular, especially after waking up!  In the morning as Daddy tells him goodbye for the day, he gives him the biggest smiles.  Here, Tyson is stretching out of his woombie and smiling at Daddy!
I've been keeping up with the weekly pictures, the biggest challenge is getting him to sit up with out slouching or falling over.
Also, for my last day home, we played dress up!  Tyson will probably hate this pictures some day but I had to take them.  Muffy and Jeff handed down this Winnie the Poo outfit.  It was the first outfit that Jeff purchased for Muffy when they found out that she was pregnant.  I had fun taking these pictures (Tyson didn't so much!)
A patient from work made this white jacket and bonnet, so I also had to get a picture.

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