Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tyson -- 15 Weeks

October 29th:

Where did my little baby go?  I know he is only 3 months but Tyson is growing so fast.  He has totally lost his newborn look and is starting to fill out.  He has the cutest rolls on his upper thighs and is now in size three diapers and 6 month clothes!  The newest thing this week is putting Tyson in the bumbo . . . he loves it!  As soon as we put him in it, he gets the biggest grin.  I feel like he is saying, "look at me, I'm so big I can sit up!" Another new and exciting achievement is that when laying on his back, Tyson will kick his legs up and roll onto his left side!  It is so amazing to me how fast they learn, I could just sit and watch him move from his back to his side all day.  Tyson is also really into his tongue, he loves to play with it constantly by moving it around.  He has discovered how fun it is to put anything and everything he can grab into his mouth.  He has discovered how fun it is to kick his legs in the bath and just smiles ear to ear!  He is getting better at not crying after getting out of the bath, I think he finally knows what's coming next . . . lotion, diaper, pj's, bottle and then bed.  He is current schedule is awake around 7 am, bottles at 9 am, noon, 3 pm,6 pm, and 8 pm. He will generally take a nap around 9:30, 12:30, and 5:00 and then down for bed between 7:30 and 8 pm. In fact on the 26th, he was asleep at 8:30 pm and slept until 6 am, then nursed and slept in my arms until 8 am.  I can't complain, I think he is a pretty good night sleeper! (I just hope it keeps up!)

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Mommy and Tyson Weekend

October 19th - 20th:

Nick headed up to Stanley for the weekend and I got to spend the whole weekend with Tyson!  We had such a good weekend.  Saturday morning started off early by heading to Kuna for Audrianna's first basketball game.  We did show up a little bit late but Audrianna didn't mind.  It was fun to watch her play! The first game is always a little rough because all the girls have to learn the rules all over from last year. Next, Tyson and I headed to Ann Morrison for the first annual Stroller 5K.  I originally signed up because Kristen Thomas had called me while I was on maternity and wanted to walk the race together; however, she didn't think about how she would feel considering she is 36 weeks pregnant.  It was a little intimidating because all the mommies looked like they were going to run their hearts out.  Tyson didn't seem to thrilled to be there and in fact he fell asleep 8 minutes in.  I forget how long 3.2 miles feel when you are walking (especially alone)!  It was such a beautiful morning and Tyson slept the whole time!  Our official time crossing the finish line was 45:40.  
Tyson had started to be really interested in toys and loves to grab for them, then put them straight into his mouth!  I love spending my whole weekend with this little guy!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Thunder Down Under

October 16th:

Yep, Thunder Down Under is what I did for my birthday get together with the girls! Random, it was on a Wednesday night so it was a little rushed getting off work and then meeting at the Barrel House Brewery for dinner.  The girls had reserved the back room which worked out nice!  Dinner and drinks were good, followed by presents and cupcakes. Half of the group continued on to the show. It was actually pretty comical, the dancing was totally cheesy but entertaining! I think the best part was going with my girlfriends who made it fun! Kristen and I did end up paying $20 each for a Polaroid picture with some of the dancers! Totally ridiculous!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Audrianna Shopping Spree!

October 13th:

Audrianna had quite the shopping spree tonight!  She was so excited to go to the mall and spend her birthday gift cards and money.  She knew exactly which stores she wanted to look in for clothes.  She ended up getting clothes from the Children's Place, some accessories from Justice, and last we went to Build-a-Bear.  She picked out a grey Koala bear.  She had enough money to get two outfits, some skinny jeans with a shirt and pajama's.  It was a fun night!
That night when I went to check on her, she was cuddled up with her new bear.  It was super cute because she was wearing the eye mask that came with the pajama's.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tyson -- 12 Weeks

October 7th:

Tyson is officially sleeping without the woombie!  It is so nice to look over at him and see him all stretched out with his arms above his head!  He seems to be growing so fast!  He definitely knows Mommy and Daddy and gives us big smiles, although sometimes you have to work at it.  He laughed the other day while I was making dinner and Nick was talking to him.  He is able to do "tummy time" for about five minutes without crying.  He still poops a lot, usually right after eating.  He is super entertained by the farm play mat which was a hand-me-down from Brittney and Colten.  He has started to reach and grab for the hanging toys. He loves to hang out in the jungle bouncy seat.  He especially likes to watch the little red frog go up and down.  In fact, he can spend about 45 minutes being purely amazed by it.  He loves to suck on his fingers and tries to get both hands in his mouth at once.  He usually sucks on the left thumb or the thumb and index finger of the right hand.  Tyson's current schedule is once I pick him up from Suzanne's, I nurse him and he takes a little cat nap, then helps me get dinner ready around 6.  He sits in the bouncer (on the table) while Nick and I eat dinner.  We start bath around 7:00, nurse around 7:30 and bed at 8:00 pm.  Tyson will usually wake up around 2:00 am and then it varies between 5:30 am and 7:00 am.