Monday, October 7, 2013

Tyson -- 12 Weeks

October 7th:

Tyson is officially sleeping without the woombie!  It is so nice to look over at him and see him all stretched out with his arms above his head!  He seems to be growing so fast!  He definitely knows Mommy and Daddy and gives us big smiles, although sometimes you have to work at it.  He laughed the other day while I was making dinner and Nick was talking to him.  He is able to do "tummy time" for about five minutes without crying.  He still poops a lot, usually right after eating.  He is super entertained by the farm play mat which was a hand-me-down from Brittney and Colten.  He has started to reach and grab for the hanging toys. He loves to hang out in the jungle bouncy seat.  He especially likes to watch the little red frog go up and down.  In fact, he can spend about 45 minutes being purely amazed by it.  He loves to suck on his fingers and tries to get both hands in his mouth at once.  He usually sucks on the left thumb or the thumb and index finger of the right hand.  Tyson's current schedule is once I pick him up from Suzanne's, I nurse him and he takes a little cat nap, then helps me get dinner ready around 6.  He sits in the bouncer (on the table) while Nick and I eat dinner.  We start bath around 7:00, nurse around 7:30 and bed at 8:00 pm.  Tyson will usually wake up around 2:00 am and then it varies between 5:30 am and 7:00 am.

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