Sunday, June 9, 2013

Co-Ed Baby Shower & 35 weeks!

June 8th:
35 weeks
Nick's co-workers had a co-ed baby shower for us!  I must say that it was the best co-ed shower that I have ever been to.  I didn't know what to expect but I was pleasantly surprise and impressed.  Michelle and Paige hosted the shower at Mike's house.  Paige made cute little onesies for the table decorations, along with a bud light and some cigars.  We all enjoyed a pot luck style BBQ in Mike's nicely shaded backyard.
After eating we opened presents.  I was so touched by how much we received.  We got three big goodie baskets full of baby necessities, diapers, wipes, toys, blankets, towels, and clothes.  Our last gift was our hamper for the nursery, I was super excited!
Next, came the shower games, which were definitely centered around the guys!  First was the margarita chugging contest out of a bottle!  It was hilarious to watch as the guys struggled to be the first one to finish their bottles.  Nick and Todd were very close the whole time and at the last minute, Nick finished his off!  He won a $25 gift card to the Bass and Pro Fishing Shop.  He was pretty excited!
Second, came the bobbing for nipples! Each guy had a bucket of water with six nipples floating inside.  Again Nick was trying really hard to win but Todd managed to pull ahead on this one.  Mike wasn't real fond of playing the games, so afterwards he got Michelle back by pouring his whole tub of water on her which started a little water fight.  Audrianna was loving it!
Next, the girls played a simple, sentimental game.  They each chose a number between 1 and 18, then wrote our little guy a message when he turned that age.  Each message was sealed and I am in charge of keeping them over the next 18 years!
Last, everyone joined in the balloon belly contest!  Everyone had to blow up a balloon and place it in their shirt.  It was guys against girls.  The team that popped all their balloons first won.  Of course, the guys were a little more aggressive and popped all there balloons in under a minute.  It was very funny to watch!
Last, we had cake and ice cream!  We didn't end up leaving till almost midnight.  Our co-ed baby shower was a success!

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